Transform Your Life With Amazing Self Love

A Love Beyond Life


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It’s inevitable that each and every one of us will someday leave this physical plane.  When that happens, the people left behind will naturally miss and long for their loved ones.  Sometimes the love is so strong we might feel like we can’t go on, the heart feels broken. We long for ways to connect with them.  After my husband died, I searched for a way to go on, if not for me than certainly for my children and grandson.  I began writing this book as a way to process my grief; honor him and our love story and to find ways to still connect with him.  This great and although perceived loss was ultimately his great gift to me and our love.  Through the pain and journey, I discovered things about me that I never knew.  I discovered I was strong, I am strong.  I learned wonderful ways to connect with him and I learned that undoubtably the possibility of connection is unlimited and all within us.  I’ve only scratched the surface.  I pursued my passion of hypnosis and put it into practice and into a healing business.  I get the honor of guiding people to their own inner landscape of infinite potentialities.  Turns out it is inside of us all and we are continually connected.  Nothing, not even death can separate us.


Transform Your Life With Amazing Self Love

A Love Beyond Life


It’s inevitable that each and every one of us will someday leave this physical plane.  When that happens, the people left behind will naturally miss and long for their loved ones.  Sometimes the love is so strong we might feel like we can’t go on, the heart feels broken. We long for ways to connect with them.  After my husband died, I searched for a way to go on, if not for me than certainly for my children and grandson.  I began writing this book as a way to process my grief; honor him and our love story and to find ways to still connect with him.  This great and although perceived loss was ultimately his great gift to me and our love.  Through the pain and journey, I discovered things about me that I never knew.  I discovered I was strong, I am strong.  I learned wonderful ways to connect with him and I learned that undoubtably the possibility of connection is unlimited and all within us.  I’ve only scratched the surface.  I pursued my passion of hypnosis and put it into practice and into a healing business.  I get the honor of guiding people to their own inner landscape of infinite potentialities.  Turns out it is inside of us all and we are continually connected.  Nothing, not even death can separate us.

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My Spiritual Journey

I love you every day and in every way.

What do you do when your entire world and everything that makes you feel safe, free and YOU feels suddenly and permanently taken from you?  Many of us search for a way to get it back.  We dig deep inside ourselves to find the strength to survive the unimaginable pain and emptiness.  We long for a way back while navigating way forward.  Sometimes, wavering from past to present insensately.
We can’t escape death of the one’s we love.  That’s just how it is.  The greater we love, the greater feeling of loss that potentially exists.  We search for ways for our souls to meet, not wanting to lose their presence in our lives, our bond, OUR CONNECTION.
Death reminds us and binds us to the reality that what we have is so very precious.  Every part of us literally aches for what was.  As we move through the grief process, time, healing and connection are guideposts.  We are free to move along the path any way we choose, but grieving we must do in order to stay in the land of the living.  Somewhere along the way we may realize, grief with it’s hollowing cavern ultimately etches on us immense gratitude for it’s teachings about love.
Through the, pain, torment and ache we find our way back to the beauty that is and we can find and build new ways of connecting.  Discovering nothing was ever really lost, just transformed.  Our loved ones are still with us and there are countless ways we can connect.
My husband delivered a message following his sudden depart from this physical world.  He said, “I love you every day and in every way ox”.  That leaves nothing out.  He continues to love us beyond this life.   What if, love doesn’t die and furthermore, nothing can really separate us.   Maybe, we begin to see we are part of something that is greater.  A part of a love beyond life.

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